Who to Contact With Questions
If you have a question or concern, would like more information about an administrative process, or would like to provide feedback to the school, please reach out to the appropriate office or contact person as your first step.
Below is a list of topics students commonly ask about, with contact information for the relevant offices.
Faculty with questions or feedback regarding School of Social Work curriculum or suggestions for new courses should use the curriculum committee feedback form.
For classroom-related concerns, exceptions to academic policy, or possible issues of academic misconduct, email Academic Affairs.
For questions or feedback on:
- Progress toward the degree
- Academic course and study plan
- Courses and electives
- Grade concerns
- Requesting or returning from leave of absence
- Wellness
- Field assignment or experience
- Community misconduct
- Academic progress
- Climate within a course
Students should meet with their advisor to brainstorm about next steps. We also encourage students to contact the Office of Advising.
Students can review the curriculum via Student Services’ Registration Guides and Course Information. The Office of Advising is available to answer curriculum questions by appointment. Use the Advising Appointment Scheduler to schedule an appointment.
For questions or feedback on incidents of potential bias, issues of inclusivity, and school climate, please reach out to the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
For questions or feedback on career options and planning, please reach out to [email protected] with questions about career counseling, career and professional development workshops, recruitment and networking events, and access to job opportunities.
For questions or feedback on specific courses, please see Academics and Advising.
For questions or feedback on accommodations you may request, please email [email protected] with questions about reasonable accommodations at CSSW.
Students should begin with reviewing the website for Disability Services at the University.
For questions or feedback about the availability of study or computer lab space, hours of operation, or other building or campus feedback, please contact [email protected].
For questions or feedback on faculty or classroom issues, please see Academics and Advising.
For questions or feedback around preparing and planning for the cost of your education and additional cost related matters such as:
- Financial Aid Packages
- Emergency Funding or Financial Hardship
- Changes in your financial circumstances
- Scholarships, Work-study funds
- Loans, Payment schedules, and Refunds
Please email the Office of Financial Aid at [email protected].
If you are a new student with questions about Columbia Housing, please email Admissions at [email protected].
If you are a continuing student, please contact Advising at [email protected].
For questions or feedback about IT resources available to students including but not limited to:
- Columbia Zoom Pro Licensed accounts
- CourseWorks-Canvas
- Software licenses for courses
- Qualtrics (online survey tool)
- Turnitin (anti-plagiarism tool)
Please email [email protected].
For questions or feedback on the process of obtaining state licensure for Social Work, please email [email protected].
For questions or feedback on practicum learning, expectations, or issues at site/with supervisors, please reach out to [email protected] with questions about practicum.
Examples of topics may range from concerns about the experience of practicum assignment overall, your agency, your progress, or to report issues of concern.
For questions or feedback on registration procedures or challenges, please email the Office of Student Affairs at [email protected].
For questions or feedback on student activities, events, and leadership opportunities, including the following:
- About engaging in co-curricular activities
- Student Government
- Caucuses and Student Groups
- Student Leadership opportunities
Please email Student Life at [email protected].
For questions related to tuition and fees, billing, payments and refunds, please reach out to the Financial Aid Office at [email protected].
For reporting discrimination or harassment, report an incident of discrimination, harassment or gender-based misconduct, please reach out the Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Office via email at [email protected]
The Ombuds Office provides a safe space for faculty, students, staff, and affiliates to confidentially discuss work-related issues, academic concerns, clarification of policies, and many other concerns and issues.
Please review the resources of Columbia’s Ombuds Office and schedule an appointment to utilize this informal, confidential resource.
Office Email Addresses
- Academic Affairs – [email protected]
- Admissions – [email protected]
- Advising – [email protected]
- Bias and Inclusion – [email protected]
- Career Services – [email protected]
- Facilities – [email protected]
- Practicum Education – [email protected]
- Financial Aid – [email protected]
- Instructional Technology – [email protected]
- Licensing – [email protected]
- Student Life – [email protected]
- Student Affairs – [email protected]