Curriculum Committee

The Curriculum Committee is the major body providing oversight of the school’s MSSW educational program, including curriculum policy, design and content. It is the final authority except in those matters that are the explicit responsibility of other committees or are reserved to the Dean by University statute. The membership of this committee includes four elected and four appointed faculty members, several ex-officio school administrators, and two MSSW student representatives.

Current Members


  • Ovita Williams
    Executive Director, CSSW Action Lab for Social Justice
    Associate Director of Practicum Learning, Adjunct Lecturer

Faculty Members 

  • Qin Gao, Professor of Social Policy and Social Work; Director, China Center for Social Policy
  • Ellen Lukens, Sylvia D. and Mose J. Firestone Centennial Professor of Professional Practice
  • Yamile Martí, Associate Professor of Professional Practice
  • Katherine Shear, Marion E. Kenworthy Professor of Psychiatry in Social Work
  • Susan Witte, Professor of Social Work
  • Richard Takashi Hara, Lecturer in Social Work; Assistant Dean for Evaluation and Assessment
  • Amy Kapadia-Little, Lecturer in Social Work
  • Mashura Akilova, Lecturer in Social Work

Ex Officio Members

  • Melissa Begg, Dean, School of Social Work; Professor of Social Work and Biostatistics
  • Cheiku Camara, Assistant Dean for Student Services
  • Moira Curtain, Associate Dean for Advising & Dean of Students; Lecturer in Social Work
  • Karma Lowe, Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Community Engagement
  • Matthea Marquart, Assistant Dean, Online Education Lecturer in Social Work
  • Monique Jethwani, Assistant Dean of Faculty Development and Academic Affairs
  • Ned Walsh, Director for Institutional Research & Evaluation
  • Atavia Whitfield, Director of Practicum Learning
  • Kathryne Leak, Associate Dean of Practicum Learning

Student Representative

  • Seyi Segun 

Faculty submit the Course Proposal Form to the Office of Academic Affairs. The Assistant Dean of Faculty Development and Academic Affairs will send the new course proposal form and syllabus to the relevant Division for review. If the course does not fall into any Divisions, it will be reviewed by a faculty member assigned by the Curriculum Committee Chair. The faculty member may be invited to the Division meeting to discuss their course and the Division will then provide feedback on any required or recommended changes. Once the Division approves the course, the syllabus will be sent to the Curriculum Committee for a final review and approval. Within a few days of the course being reviewed, the faculty member will be notified of the Committee’s decision as well as the next steps.

At the start of the academic year, the Office of Student Life sends out a call for applications for all School Committees. When the applications close, Student Life sends the applications to the committee chairs and the committee chairs make the final decisions and contact the student representatives.

The Curriculum Committee is scheduled to meet once a month between September and April.

View the minutes of the 2021–2022 meeting here (must have Lionmail to access).

View the minutes of the 2020–2021 meeting here (must have Lionmail to access).