Join a World-class University
We are the first school of social work in the history of the profession as we know it. Our mission is to dismantle racism and other systems of oppression standing in the way of social equity and justice, and to foster social work education, practice, and research that strengthen and expand the opportunities, resources, and capabilities of all persons to achieve their full potential and well-being.
The current climate of the world creates a unique opportunity for social workers to continue to step up and support individuals and communities.
We were the first school of social work in the United States,
and we continue to lead the field.
Whether you join us in New York City or in our online campus, you will be mentored by some of the nation’s foremost researchers and social service practitioners in child and family support policies, racial inequity, criminal justice, school social work, advanced clinical practice, and related areas. By the time you earn your MSW from Columbia, you will have both the academic foundation and the hands-on experience to make a meaningful impact in the lives of society’s most vulnerable members.
2 Learning Options
- Residential
- Online
8 Pathways
- Two-Year
- 16-Month (Residential only)
- Five-Term International (Residential only)
- Advanced Standing
- Transfer
- Part-Time (Online only)
- Part-Time to Full-Time
- One-Year Residency for Working Professionals
4 Specializations
- Advanced Clinical Social Work Practice
- Integrated Practice and Programming
- Leadership, Management, and Entrepreneurship for Social Justice
- Policy Practice
Improving Lives, Strengthening Communities
Our students represent a rich diversity of backgrounds and perspectives. What draws them together is their common aspiration to a high educational standard and their shared passion for developing an agenda that forwards human rights, social justice, and respect for human diversity, in alignment with our mission. Our students are committed to improving lives and strengthening communities locally and globally in their roles as clinicians, advocates, planners, policy analysts, researchers, and managers. They aspire to assume leadership roles in social work practice and research.
Offices of Student Support
The Office of Academic Affairs oversees and manages CSSW’s curriculum, development of new courses, faculty recruitment and development, grievances related to classroom or faculty…
The Office of Advising supports students’ graduate success. Each student is assigned an advisor who is the “point person” during their tenure…
The Office of Career and Leadership Management guides you in locating suitable career opportunities and in making the right professional decisions…
The Office of Computing and Instructional Technology (OCIT) manages the School’s computer, printer and AV equipment and provides user support for online resources…
The Office of Student Affairs helps you with course registration, cross-registration, transfer credits, summer sessions…
The Office of Practicum Learning works with you on your practicum placement in one of more than 600 agencies throughout New York City (including all boroughs)…
The Office of Financial Aid assists you in preparing to meet the costs of a social work education by putting together your financial aid package…
As a student at CSSW, you have access to the Social Work Library, one of the world’s premiere collections in social work and social services…
The Writing Center is here to assist you with any writing issue related to your program of study. Writing Center staff will listen to your…
Join Our Community
Our alumni network of 18,000+ working professionals is making an impact in diverse fields around the world.
At the Columbia School of Social Work, you will find a ready-made community of people of diverse backgrounds who share your passion for social service.
“Columbia helped me think systemically—not just in terms of the clinical world but also in terms of policy, programming, and the organization. You can’t do clinical work without understanding the communities you work with.”