Student Support Services
Our team of dedicated professionals is here to assist in every aspect of your education.
The Office of Academic Affairs oversees and manages the CSSW’s curriculum, development of new courses, faculty recruitment and development, grievances related to classroom or faculty…
The Office of Advising supports students’ graduate success. Each student is assigned an advisor who is the “point person” during their tenure…
The Office of Career and Leadership Management provides personalized support with career planning and job search strategy.
The Office of Computing and Instructional Technology (OCIT) manages the School’s computer, printer and AV equipment and provides user support for online resources…
The Office of Financial Aid assists you in preparing to meet the costs of a social work education by putting together your financial aid package…
The Practicum Learning Department works with you on your field placement in one of more than 600 agencies throughout New York City (including all boroughs)…
As a student at CSSW, you have access to the Social Work Library, one of the world’s premiere collections in social work and social services…
The Office of Student Affairs helps you with course registration, disability accommodations, academic certifications for licensing, and more.
Beyond classes and field work, the Columbia School of Social Work and the wider university offers countless opportunities for students to extend their networks, open up job possibilities, and practice their professional skills.
The CSSW Writing Center is here to assist you with any writing issue related to your program of study. Writing Center staff will listen to your…