October Issue of the Dean’s Corner

October 02, 2024

Dear CSSW Community - 

As we enter into our second full month on campus together, I hope you are feeling inspired by your colleagues and classmates and excited about the year ahead. 

This month is meaningful for so many in our community, because of commemorations such as Domestic Violence Awareness Month, World Mental Health Day, and Indigenous Peoples’ Day. We acknowledge them as helpful reminders of the range of issues and commitments that social workers hold. And as we approach the first anniversary of October 7th, we know this month will bring stark reminders of the deep pain and sorrow held by many of our students and colleagues across our School, the University, and beyond. We need to remember to treat one another even more gently during this period.

In different ways, each of these observances is intertwined with the work that many social workers do every day to support our society. As our code of ethics reminds us, I hope that throughout this month, we can continue to hold the importance of human relationships as a value that guides how we show up for ourselves, for one another, and for our practice. Please know that I am keeping everyone in my thoughts, and am grateful for the support you offer to one another during the hardest times. As the President noted in her message earlier today, we can get through this together. 

I want to also remind you that there are resources available, should you like to seek out support. Uppermost among these are our wonderful colleagues in the Office of Advising who are ready to support our students. There are additional resources for faculty, staff, and students. These links are included below. May we see this month as a moment of renewal, hope, and positive transition. 

In community, 
