Amy Kapadia
Dr. Kapadia researches the stigma attached to mental illness. Her work has shown that college students who are depressed rarely seek help.
Dr. Amy Kapadia began teaching at the Columbia School of Social Work in 2007 and joined the full-time faculty as a lecturer in 2014. She previously served as a research scientist at the New York State Psychiatric Institute. Her research interests include the mental health effects of discrimination and stigma among marginalized groups, and psychosocial intervention development/evaluation within the field of mental health. She has clinical and programming experience working in community-based settings with individuals with mental health challenges and substance use issues. She teaches first- and second-year courses within the Clinical and Advanced Generalist Programming and Practice tracks and created a mini-course focusing on the impact of mental health stigma across trajectories.
Dr. Kapadia holds a PhD from the Columbia School of Social Work.