CSSW Commencement Speaker for the Classes of 2020 and 2021

Melissa Begg
May 12, 2022

Dear CSSW Community,

I am thoroughly delighted to announce that Tiffany Younger will be Columbia School of Social Work’s commencement speaker for the Classes of 2020 and 2021 on Thursday, May 19th. Tiffany is a Liberation Health Fellow and Scientist at the Insight Center, a national economic organization building inclusion and equity for people of color, women, immigrants, and low-income families.

Tiffany is a Scientist, Activist, and member of the CSSW faculty. Prior to working with the Insight Center, Tiffany served as the Director of Policy and Advocacy at Closing the Women’s Wealth Gap (CWWG), a national organization that prioritizes economic security through policy solutions that center women of color. In addition, Tiffany worked as a Policy Fellow for United States Senator Kirsten Gillibrand where she focused on issues of criminal justice, gender, and race equity. She also served as a T32 Clinical Research Science Fellow at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) where her research interests focused on heart disease and health disparities among Black women.

Tiffany obtained her Master of Science degree in Social Policy at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Social Policy & Practice. In addition to CSSW, Tiffany is a Lecturer at New York University where she teaches Social Welfare Policy and Decolonizing Social Work. Currently, she is obtaining a dual doctoral degree in Clinical Epidemiology at Weill Cornell Medical College and Social Welfare at the Silberman School of Social Work. She resides in Harlem, New York, with her daughter, Grace.

Tiffany is an admired, respected, and beloved member of our community. I am thrilled that we will be able to honor the Classes of 2020 and 2021 in this way.

In community,