6.5 contact hours are available for NYS, NJ and CT Licensed Social Workers
$250 single; $200 each for 5 or more
Alumni will recieve a $50 discount. Please email [email protected] for promotional code. Your email should contain your name and the year you graduated.
In volatile and uncertain times like these, the ability to manage a human service organization effectively and guide its future direction in response to environmental changes and stakeholder demands is more critical than ever. Participants who are both new to strategic planning as an advanced management intervention, as well as those who have had limited prior experience with the process, will increase their capacities to benefit their organizations and programs. In most surveys of management competencies required of modern nonprofit and public service leaders, strategic planning stands out as the skill that is most valued by selection committees.
Workshop Description
Dr. Singh’s combination of lecture, case discussion, and interactive exercises is designed to develop participants’ abilities to start the strategic planning process and to resolve dilemmas related to their agencies’ existing strategic plans. After an introduction to a model of evidence-based strategic planning, Dr. Singh will present tools for conducting various strategic analyses, guide participants through a simple budget evaluation for financial management and forecasting, and provide training in the utilization of a research-based, copyrighted assessment instrument developed by him at the Columbia School of Social Work to facilitate an organization’s strategic planning process. Attendees are strongly encouraged to bring agency strategic plans for use in confidential workshop discussion.
Learning Objectives:
Participants will learn to:
- Provide nominal and operational definitions of strategic planning.
- Articulate the conditions under which strategic planning is likely to succeed or fail.
- Measure the level of current completion of an existing agency strategic plan.
- Communicate to other key stakeholders what is required of them in order to facilitate and sustain a successful strategic planning process.
Karun K. Singh, PhD, LCSW-R, CSWM is a Professor of Teaching at the Rutgers University School of Social Work. His MSW and PhD degrees are from the Columbia School of Social Work. He also has a certificate from the Institute for Not-for-Profit Management at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business. Dr. Singh presents regularly at professional research conferences on advanced management topics, He also teaches and consults in the area of collaborative strategic planning.
Dr. Singh is the author of the comprehensive entry on “Strategic Planning” in Oxford Bibliographies Online and is the developer of the Singh Strategic Planning Measure for Excellence (SSPMX). His volunteer activities include serving as a Co-Chair of the Network for Social Work Management – New Jersey Chapter and as an Editorial Advisory Board Member of Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership, & Governance.