Register here.
Please note: Marlon Peterson will be doing an additional event on this topic on March 29. Register here.
Compelling advocacy writing is an essential first step toward making change in the world. Learn how to fuse storytelling with strong messaging to boost the effectiveness of your advocacy writing in this interactive three-hour workshop with Marlon Peterson, an international social and criminal justice advocate, writer, organizational trainer, and educator, who regularly shares his own compelling story as a formerly incarcerated person.
About the speaker
Marlon Peterson is a formerly incarcerated Black writer, lecturer and the founder of The Precedential Group, a social justice consulting firm. He has been a Soros Justice Fellow and Aspen Ideas Festival Scholar. Ebony Magazine has named him one of America’s 100 most influential and inspiring leaders in the Black community. Peterson also serves as board chair of Families For Freedom and board member of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence. Besides Ebony, his writings have appeared in, The Nation, The Crime Report, Black Press USA, Huff Post, and other online publications. His first TED Talk and new podcast, Decarcerated, are slated for release this year. He is currently working on his first book, a memoir.
How to earn continuing education credits:
Are you a NYS-, NJ- or CT-licensed social worker? If so, you are eligible to earn 3.0 contact hours for this event. To receive the certificate, you must attend the entire event in person and fill in an evaluation.
The processing fee for this service is $40 for alumni; $50 for non-alumni. Certificates will be emailed within 30 days of the workshop.
CSSW is an approved NYSED provider for continuing education contact hours and a CSWE-accredited institution.
Are you a licensed social worker from another state? Please refer to your state licensing agency and email [email protected].
Learning Objectives
- Identify primary goals and platforms of public advocacy writing.
- Assess the strength of messaging for an advocacy initiative.
- Distinguish storytelling strategies that best engage a public audience.
- Compose advocacy writing that draws on both authentic storytelling and strong messaging.
Cancellation and Refund Policies
Fees will be refunded less a $5.00 processing fee, if written notification is received by the Office of Professional Excellence up to two weeks prior to the workshop date.
Special Accommodations and Grievance Policy
For information on special accommodations or our grievance policy, click here.
Interested in applying for an MSW?
The deadline for fall 2017 entry to our online MSW programs (full-time and part-time) and to our part-time residential programs is April 1, 2017. Request information.
If you have any questions about the event, please contact [email protected].