Nina Rosa Limongelli
Nina Limongelli is Special Assistant to the Associate Dean of Communications Strategy, Development and Alumni Affairs. Originally from Bucks County, PA, Nina graduated from Bucknell University in May of 2021 with a double major in International Relations and Theatre. Outside of academics at Bucknell, she was involved in all theatre and dance productions, the first-year orientation program, SpeakUp: Bucknell’s sexual assault prevention organization, and worked for admissions as a tour guide. After having graduated, Nina took a position as Special Assistant to the Chief Development and External Affairs at East Harlem Tutorial Program (EHTP), where she gained hands-on experience in development, communications, and public engagement within the organization. Her passion for the arts and advocacy initially led her to the nonprofit space where she could further lean into anti-racist work, and deeply values EHTP for their commitment to racial equity and attentiveness to the needs of the community.