Alissa Silverstein
Alissa Silverstein (she/her) is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a private psychotherapy practice specializing in individuals and couples who identify as queer or non-monogamous. She also offers specialized supervision in working psychodynamically with alternative genders, sexualities, and lifestyles.
Alissa completed her post-graduate clinical training at Rose Hill Psychological Services, a psychoanalytic practice and training center, where she also developed MSW Internship and Continuing Education programs. She has nearly a decade of experience designing and managing programs in the nonprofit sector, including volunteer engagement, staff training, and corporate social responsibility programs.
Alissa has developed and facilitated training in LGBTQ+/TGNC-affirming practice for both clinicians at Rose Hill and staff at Covenant House New York. She has served as a field supervisor for over a dozen social work interns and is passionate about teaching students to practice through an anti-oppressive lens.
Alissa holds BA in Psychology from the University of Rochester, an MSW from Columbia School of Social Work, and advanced postgraduate certificates in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Couples Therapy from the William Alanson White Institute (WAWI). She is currently pursuing certification in Somatic Experiencing via Somatic Experiencing International.