Dual Degree Programs

Dual Degree Program Requirements

Dual Degree status is established once you have been accepted to two participating schools, based on their individual admissions requirements. You should contact the Office of Admissions of both schools for the Dual Degree program in which you’re interested in to learn their specific admissions requirements.

In addition to coursework and internship requirements, each participating institution requires that you maintain residency at the institution for a particular period. CSSW requires a residency minimum of three full-time terms (not including Summer, unless in the 16-Month Program).

Dual Degree requirements vary by program. Specific program plans that outline Social Work requirements are Dual Degree Study Plans.

The typical Dual Degree program is a total of 90 points:

  • A minimum of 45-48 points with the School of Social Work
  • 27-30 points in course work 
  • 18 points in Practicum Learning
  • 42-45 or more with the Dual Degree school. There is variation across the programs.

To complete the Social Work component of the curriculum, Dual Degree students should do the following:

  • Officially register through CSSW for a minimum of three full-time terms, not including the Summer session (unless in the 16-Month Program
  • Complete all background and foundation practice courses
  • Complete all practice courses in the chosen method area
  • Complete the program’s Practicum Learning requirements
  • Notify the respective school's Coordinators, Advisors and Financial Aid Office of the coming year’s course plan (each year)
  • File the appropriate registration and Financial Aid documents with the respective participating schools each term or year, as required.

Programs Offered

Questions? Contact Us.

Department: Office of Student Affairs
Email[email protected]