Competitive Awards at CSSW

The School offers several competitive scholarships and fellowships for students who are entering their final, or advanced, year of study. Applicants must be enrolled in at least 10.5 credits, including field, in order to be considered for scholarship. Eligible students will also receive instructions on how to apply for awards via emails from the Office of Financial Aid when applications are available.

All applicants will be notified once the decisions are made. Should you be selected to receive an award, please know that you will be expected to partner with the School to help the donor (or family members of the donor) understand the impact of their gift. This may include one or more of the following stewardship activities—phone calls, personalized thank-you notes, brief meetings, or attendance at CSSW’s annual scholarship event.


The deadline to apply varies by award. Biographical information on those who funded the competitive fellowships and prizes can be found here.

The Paige E. Cook Jr. award is given on the basis of excellence. Preference will be given to a student with a career interest in substance abuse, world of work, men’s issues, and cross-cultural practice in clinical practice. Applicants should reflect interest in these areas via concrete examples, such as work experience, volunteer positions, etc. This is a need- and merit-based award.

Applications will be made available between April and May of 2023. The following documents will be needed:

  • A current resume
  • A one-paragraph bio written in the third person including your education, field of practice, work/volunteer experience and career aspirations
  • One or two letters of reference from a field advisor, supervisor or professor (or any equivalent academician) who can address your qualifications for the specific award. Letters of reference should be submitted through this specific Reference Letter Form; when you request a letter on your behalf, be sure to provide this link to the writer.
  • A one- to two-page, single- or double-spaced personal statement identifying any features of your social work career, including academic and field performance, courses taken, co-curricular activities and extracurricular activities, and any special circumstances that you wish to be considered.

Applications due Friday, April 28, 2023

Amount: $5,000-$6,000

Awards issued: 1

Submit application Paige E. Cook Jr. Fellowship Application

The Louard Scholarship will be given to one or two full-time CSSW students who have academic and leadership potential. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate a commitment to employment in the public or voluntary non-profit sector or in local grassroots groups serving primarily, but not restricted to, an African-American population. Your essay should reflect this commitment. This is a need- and merit-based award.

Applications will be made available between April and May of 2023. The following documents will be needed:

  • A current resume
  • A one-paragraph bio written in the third person including your education, field of practice, work/volunteer experience and career aspirations
  • One or two letters of reference from a field advisor, supervisor or professor (or any equivalent academician) who can address your qualifications for the specific award. Letters of reference should be submitted through this specific Reference Letter Form; when you request a letter on your behalf, be sure to provide this link to the writer.
  • A one- to two-page, single- or double-spaced personal statement identifying any features of your social work career, including academic and field performance, courses taken, co-curricular activities and extracurricular activities, and any special circumstances that you wish to be considered.

Applications due Friday, April 28, 2023

Amount: $8,000- $10,000

Awards issued: Up to 2

Submit application Benjamin and Agnes Louard Fellowship

The Overbrook Scholarship is a partial tuition award to one or two students who demonstrate leadership potential in the field of clinical social work. Please ensure that your personal statement reflects your interest and leadership opportunities in clinical social work. This can be demonstrated by work done in your classes, field placement or volunteer experiences. This is a need- and merit-based award.

Applications will be made available between April and May of 2023. The following documents will be needed:

  • A current resume
  • A one-paragraph bio written in the third person including your education, field of practice, work/volunteer experience and career aspirations
  • One or two letters of reference from a field advisor, supervisor or professor (or any equivalent academician) who can address your qualifications for the specific award. Letters of reference should be submitted through this specific Reference Letter Form; when you request a letter on your behalf, be sure to provide this link to the writer.
  • A one- to two-page, single- or double-spaced personal statement identifying any features of your social work career, including academic and field performance, courses taken, co-curricular activities and extracurricular activities, and any special circumstances that you wish to be considered.

Applications due Friday, April 28, 2023

Amount: $7,500- $10,000

Awards issued: Up to 2

Submit application Overbrook Fellowship for Advanced Study in Clinical Social Work

The Mae L. Wien Memorial Prize is awarded to up to three students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of family planning, counseling, and population control. This is a merit-based award; international students are eligible to apply.

Applications will be made available between April and May of 2023. The following documents will be needed:

  • A current resume
  • A one-paragraph bio written in the third person including your education, field of practice, work/volunteer experience and career aspirations
  • One or two letters of reference from a field advisor, supervisor or professor (or any equivalent academician) who can address your qualifications for the specific award. Letters of reference should be submitted through a specific Reference Letter Form; when you request a letter on your behalf, be sure to provide this link to the writer.
  • A one- to two-page, single- or double-spaced personal statement identifying any features of your social work career, including academic and field performance, courses taken, co-curricular activities and extracurricular activities, and any special circumstances that you wish to be considered.

Applications due Friday, April 28, 2023

Amount: $15,000- $20,000

Awards issued: Up to 3

Submit application Mae L. Wein Price in Family Planning, Counseling, and Population Control

Supports annual scholarships to CSSW students who demonstrate an interest in, and past commitment to, furthering U.S.-Japan relations through their program of study and/or related activities.

Application form will be posted here when available. The following documents will be required to apply:

  • Completed and signed copy of the application form
  • A current resume
  • A one-paragraph bio written in the third person including your education, work/volunteer experience and career aspirations
  • One or two letters of reference from a field advisor, supervisor, professor or any equivalent academician who can address your qualifications for the specific award. Letters of reference should be submitted through a specific Reference Form; when you request a letter on your behalf, be sure to provide this link to the writer.
  • An essay on how your current course of study, and experience, will help further U.S.-Japan relations (no more than 500 words)

Applications are expected to be available late in the Fall of 2021.

Amount: $8,000- $10,000

Awards issued: Up to 3

The Ito En Scholarship will be awarded to up to three eligible students who best demonstrate how they plan to bring their social work training to the global community. This is a merit-based award; international students are eligible to apply.

Applications will be made available between April and May of 2022. The following documents will be needed:

  • A current resume
  • A one-paragraph bio written in the third person including your education, field of practice, work/volunteer experience and career aspirations
  • One or two letters of reference from a field advisor, supervisor or professor (or any equivalent academician) who can address your qualifications for the specific award. Letters of reference should be submitted through this specific Reference Form; when you request a letter on your behalf, be sure to provide this link to the writer.
  • A personal essay of no more than 500 words addressing the following question: “How do you plan to bring your social work training to the global community?”

Applications due Friday, May 13, 2022

Amount: $8,000- $10,000

Awards issued: Up to 3

Submit application here

The Fisher Cummings Washington Fellows Program provides an enriching educational and professional experience for final year Policy Practice students who aspire to be leaders in social policy, administration, and community practice at the national level. Fellows complete their final placement as a block field placement at a federal agency or nongovernmental organization in Washington, D.C. Fisher Cummings Fellows who qualify for financial aid will receive additional scholarship aid as part of their fellowship program.

Applications for 2022-2023 are expected to be available in Fall of 2021.

Amount: $15,000

Awards issued: Up to 3

Awarded to graduating students to assist with the repayment of loans borrowed while at CSSW. Applicants must demonstrate need and have taken out at least $20,500 in loans in their final year at CSSW.

Amount: $5,000

Awards issued: Up to 5

The Laura Rivera and Sor Rosa Scholarship will be awarded to a student who is pursuing a career in clinical practice where the social work profession’s core values, as specified in the NASW Code of Ethics, will be fully employed. The recipient will be determined based on the quality of the required essay, as detailed in the application requirements below, a copy of which will be provided to the donor. This is a need- and merit-based award.

Applications will be made available between April and May of 2023. The following documents will be needed:

  • A current resume
  • A one-paragraph bio written in the third person including your education, field of practice, work/volunteer experience and career aspirations
  • One or two letters of reference from a field advisor, supervisor or professor (or any equivalent academician) who can address your qualifications for the specific award. Letters of reference should be submitted through this specific Reference Letter Form; when you request a letter on your behalf, be sure to provide this link to the writer.
  • After reading chapters 15 and 18 of the book In Search of the Luminous Heart (a link to the chapters is provided in the application form), prepare a 750 to a 1,000 word essay responding to the following prompts: Social justice, dignity, worth of the person and integrity are core values of the social work profession.  Describe how Laura and Sor Rosa Rivera embodied these values. Discuss lessons derived from their history and experience that are germane to your own life journey, your choice of profession, or the aforementioned values.

Applications due Friday, April 28, 2023

Amount: $4,000- $5,000

Awards issued: 1

Submit application Laura Rivera and Sor Rosa Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements

A committee determines all scholarship recipients. Applicants must be enrolled in at least 10.5 credits, including field, in order to be considered for scholarship. Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.5 in the MSSW program to keep the award, if awarded. Demonstration of financial need is determined by electronically filing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Scholarship Policies

Financial aid and scholarship awards are dependent upon the availability of funding. CSSW may adjust a scholarship or financial aid award if needed. Students must be registered full time in order to receive scholarships.