ASWB Licensure Exam Pass Rate

The Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) owns and maintains the social work licensing examinations that are used to test a social worker’s competence to practice ethically and safely. Below are the results of ASWB exam pass rates for first-time test-takers of both the ASWB Master’s and Clinical examinations.

Master’s examination (required for licensure as an LMSW in New York)*

*Entry to Master’s ASWB exam in NY requires application for licensure and an MSSW degree (macro or clinical).

Clinical examination (required for licensure as an LCSW in New York)*

*Entry to Clinical exam in NY requires application for licensure, clinical MSSW or sufficient clinical coursework as part of the MSSW, and completion of 36 months of supervised experience, acceptable to SED.

Learn more about licensing here.